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General Info

MMP Election Results and Summary: view order of finish for all elections, as well as breakouts of top AL, NL, hitter, and pitcher each year

Voter instructions:

  • List top candidates for the given season in order of merit. Points are awarded based on order. Voters must fill all ballot spots. Ballots are usually 15 spots, sometimes 10 spots in the past.

  • Hitting, pitching, offense, and defense should all be accounted for in the rank ordering.

  • Players may be from any league in the Americas.

  • Voters should consider the player’s on-field contribution to Major League Baseball (MLB) team(s) in that season only. If part of the season was spent outside MLB, that value may be considered as well. However, performance should be judged relative to MLB competition.

  • Voters may consider post-season play, but not spring training or other exhibition games.

  • No credit can be given for games missed due to injury, military service, or contract holdouts.

  • Voters should provide a basic rationale for their ordering.



How to Participate:

  • Create an account at Baseball Think Factory.

  • Participate in the latest MMP ballot discussion. Click any link on the BBTF homepage which says Hall of Merit to navigate most easily to the latest ballot discussion.

  • First-time voters must post a preliminary ballot and a basic explanation of how their ordering was determined.

  • Make sure your ballot follows the instructions posted above, or it won't be counted.

  • Revise (if desired) and post your ballot in the official ballot thread once open.

Site owned and maintained by Kris Gardner.

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